Corporate Offering


Services offered:


1.  Soft skills Training

  • Needs analysis

  • Proposal

  • Course design

  • Course training or facilitation

  • Course follow up

    1. Happiness in the Workplace
    2. Generation Y
    3. Work readiness
    4. Presentation skills
    5. Communication Skills
      At the heart of successful individuals, teams and organisations is effective communication skills. Learn the art of active listening, communicating with intent and having the ability to build rapport so that your communication skills become a tool to help you rather than hinder you.
    6. Telephone Etiquette
    7. Customer Service
    8. Time Management
      We are all given the same amount of time in a day to achieve what we need to in order to succeed. However, some individual’s time management skills are not as effective as others. Learn how to prioritise what is important in order to minimise time wasters and maximize time creators.
    9. Coaching in the workplace
    10. Team Dynamics
      The success of a team is often measured by the skills the team hold and display. However, at VisionWorx we do not under estimate the value and power of soft skills training for team effectiveness.
    11. Emotional Intelligence
    12. Stress Management
    13. Train the Trainer
    14. Talent Management
    15. Leadership Success
      At VisionWorx we believe that Leadership is a choice and that leaders are made. Each and every individual needs to be a leader in their own right. Leadership skills are needed more than ever in ever changing and challenging work environment where we need individuals to step up and show their unique strengths.
    16. Interviewing skills
    17. Project Management
    18. Sales Success
    19. Telemarketing
    20. Customised course design


  1. Bridging a GAP to improve performance and productivity
  2. Talent Attraction
  3. Staying Competitive
  4. Talent Retention


2. Job Profiling

  • Company vision

  • Values

  • Departmental objectives

  • Individual job profiles

  • Key performance areas

  • Duties and responsibilities

  • Key performance indicators

  • Performance management system


  1. Managing individuals
  2. Individuals managing their time due to clear priorities
  3. Identifying areas for growth and development
  4. Giving structure to a team

 3. Recruitment

  • Best practise

  • Interviewing skills

  • Recruitment cycle of action to induction


  1. Attracting and retaining talent


 4.  Motivation and Personal Development Training

  • Needs analysis

  • Proposal

  • Course design

  • Course training or facilitation

  • Course follow up

  1. Feel the fear and do it anyway
  2. Live the life you want
  3. Goal setting


  1. Bridging a GAP to improve motivation and productivity
  2. Talent Attraction
  3. Staying Competitive
  4. Talent Retention


5. Facilitating Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a vital part of any organisations success. VisionWorx offers Facilitation of strategic planning in the specific areas of sales planning, human resource planning and annual business planning.

  • Initial consultation

  • Proposal

  • Facilitation

  • Report

  1. Human Resources
  2. Sales
  3. Annual business plans


  1. Clear purpose
  2. Clear expectations
  3. Relevant


6. Life Coaching

  • Initial consultation

  • Proposal with session plan


  1. Identify current thoughts/behaviour/situation
  2. Define desired thoughts/behaviour/situation
  3. Discover the tools to bridge the GAP


Call Angela on 083 260 6233 to set up a meeting.