The work I do with Individuals and Companies is about offering people the tools to develop a vision for themselves, a team or an organisation. Having a vision allows us to live and work from a proactive perspective versus a reactive perspective. It allows us to live out life script and meet goals and objectives set.
All my training and coaching works off of 4 principles:
- Wisdom
- Vision
- Success
- Strategy
Skill based training is essential in order to train people HOW to do something, however, unless you operate from a place of innate joy, are able to bring your heart to work every day, have a clear understanding of what success means to you and have a clear vision of what you want and what is expected of you, all the skills training in the world will not result in you being happy and feeling successful. This is why most of my workshops have an element of Character (integrity and intent) built into them, combined with the essential Competencies.
My destiny is to touch people’s lives and work to assist YOU in finding your vision and experiencing success, whether it be as an individual, or in your role as Leader/Employee. My focus is 3-fold, namely, personal development, team development and organisational development. Wiser individuals, make wiser Leaders and Employees, contributing to Companies that thrive.